All available Knob types - The Foundry Nuke (v15.0.2) - Guillermo Algora - Visual Effects Compositor

Guillermo Algora
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NUKE (v15.0.2) KNOBS
// The indices of the enumerations correspond to the ID's in 'addUserKnob' and must not change!
// Changing the order of these will break compatibility with user knobs generated in previous versions of Nuke.
// Any new knob types must be added immediately before LAST_KNOB.
// Entries must never be removed from this list.

00. OBSOLETE_KNOB,                   // Allows knobs to be obseleted and script stored values to be translated to new knobs.
01. STRING_KNOB,                     // Stores a char* pointer or std::string, and presents a string box in the panel.
02. FILE_KNOB,                       // A STRING_KNOB with a file chooser in the panel interface.
03. INT_KNOB,                        // Stores an int & presents a numeric entry box in the panel. No slider by default.
04. ENUMERATION_KNOB,                // Popup/dropdown list with single selection. Stores an int.
05. BITMASK_KNOB,                    // Stores an int & presents one checkbox for each bit.
06. BOOL_KNOB,                       // Stores a bool & presents a single checkbox. Does not set STARTLINE by default.
07. DOUBLE_KNOB,                     // Stores a double & presents a numeric entry boxes and slider.
08. FLOAT_KNOB,                      // Stores a float & presents a numeric entry boxes and slider.
09. ARRAY_KNOB,                      // 2 dimensional array of floats, as used by Convolve. Uses data storage struct ConvolveArray from Convolve.h.
10. CHANNEL_MASK_KNOB,               // Stores a ChannelSet and presents a variety of panel interfaces allowing user channelset selection.
11. CHANNEL_KNOB,                    // Stores an array of 1 to 4 Channels and presents a panel interface allowing user channel selection.
12. XY_KNOB,                         // Stores 2 floats/doubles, presents a panel interface of two numerical entry boxes and a crosshair in the viewer. Proxy scales.
13. XYZ_KNOB,                        // Stores 3 floats for an xyz position. Presents three numerical entry boxes and a 3d position widget in the viewer.
14. WH_KNOB,                         // Stores 2 floats/doubles representing width & height. Presents one or two numerical entry boxes plus a slider in the former case. Proxy scales.
15. BBOX_KNOB,                       // Stores 4 floats/doubles representing the x,y,r,t of a rectangle. Presents four numerical entry boxes with hardcoded labels & a rectangle widget in the viewer. Proxy scales.
16. SIZE_KNOB,                       // Obsolete; same as FLOAT_KNOB.
17. FORMAT_KNOB,                     // Stores a FormatPair which contains a variety of format information. Presents a popup of current formats.
18. COLOR_KNOB,                      // Stores 3 floats/doubles representing an rgb color. Presents either a numerical entry box and slider, or 3 numerical entry boxes, both with eyedropper and colour picker buttons.
19. ACOLOR_KNOB,                     // Stores 4 floats/doubles representing an rgba color. Presents either a numerical entry box and slider, or 4 numerical entry boxes, both with eyedropper and colour picker buttons.
20. TAB_KNOB,                        // Starts a new tab in the param panel. No data storage.
21. CUSTOM_KNOB,                     // Create custom instances of knobs (inherited from the knob class). Variety of methods for different knob constructor requirements.
22. PYSCRIPT_KNOB,                   // Presents a button, which executes a python script when pressed. STARTLINE not set by default.
23. TEXT_EDITOR_KNOB,                // same as MULTILINE_STRING_KNOB
24. TRANSFORM2D_KNOB,                // Stores a Matrix4, representing a 4x4 transformation matrix with a 2-d affine xform. Presents a variety of params, along with a viewer transform jack widget. Proxy scales.
25. SPACER_KNOB,                     // Presents an empty space. No data storage. STARTLINE not set by default.
26. TEXT_KNOB,                       // Presents a user defined piece of text. No data storage. STARTLINE not set by default.
27. HELP_KNOB,                       // Presents a small button with a ? label, which pops up user defined helpful text when pressed.
28. MULTILINE_STRING_KNOB,           // Stores a char* pointer, and presents a multiple line text entry widget.
29. AXIS_KNOB,                       // Stores a Matrix4, representing a 3D 6-DOF transformation. Presents a variety of params, along with a viewer 3d transform jack widget.
30. UV_KNOB,                         // Stores 2 floats/doubles, presented as two numerical entry boxes with hardcoded 'u' and 'v' labels.
31. BOX3_KNOB,                       // Stores 6 floats, representing 2 3D points describing a 3D volume. Presented as 6 numerical entry boxes with hardcoded labels and a 3d box viewer widget.
32. SCRIPT_KNOB,                     // Presents a Button that either can use knob_changed to execute c++, or can execute tcl directly. STARTLINE not set by default.
33. LOOKUPCURVES_KNOB,               // Stores a LookupCurves pointer as defined in LookupCurves.h and presents a curve editor widget on the param panel. Curve display can be customised on creation
34. TOOLTIP_KNOB,                    // Obsolete; set-tooltip call!
35. PULLDOWN_KNOB,                   // Presents a pulldown menu, which upon selection executes TCL scripts. No data storage.
36. EYEDROPPER_KNOB,                 // Stores 8 floats representing a sampled colour and the area from which it was sampled. Presented as a colour swatch button, pushing which allows colour sampling in the viewer.
37. RANGE_KNOB,                      // Stores an arbitrary number of floats/doubles. Presented as numerical entry boxes below a single slider with multiple handles.
38. HISTOGRAM_KNOB,                  // Stores a Histogram_Data struct pointer, as defined in HistogramKnob.h. Presented as a histogram graph with in and out drawn at different luminances.
39. KEYER_KNOB,                      // Stores 4 doubles, presented as the vertices on a trapezoid graph shape, used in the Keyer node.
40. COLORCHIP_KNOB,                  // Stores an unsigned int, representing an 8-bit hex colour code, generally for UI colors. Presented as a button with a color swatch label, popping up a color picker when pushed.
41. LINK_KNOB,                       // Soft links to another knob. No internal data storage. Presentation matches the linked knob.
42. SCALE_KNOB,                      // Stores 2 doubles. Presented as one numerical entry box with slider, or two numerical entry boxes.
44. ONEVIEW_KNOB,                    // Stores an int. Presented as a single selection drop down menu, populated with the current script's views.
45. MULTIVIEW_KNOB,                  // Stores a std::set of ints. Presented as a multiple selection drop down menu, populated with the current script's views.
46. VIEWVIEW_KNOB,                   // Stores a std::map relating ints to ints. Presented as a series of buttons allowing patches to be added, where each patch maps from one view to another.
47. PYPULLDOWN_KNOB,                 // Presents a pulldown menu, which upon selection executes python scripts. No data storage.
48. OBSOLETE_GPUENGINE_KNOB,         // Obsolete, not for use.
49. MULTIARRAY_KNOB,                 // Manages internal storage. Presented as a series of array knobs. Generally recommend use of Table_knob over MultiArray.
50. VIEWPAIR_KNOB,                   // Stores a std::pair of ints. Presented as a pair of buttons, pressing which pops up a select list of the current script's views.
51. LIST_KNOB,                       // Stores a std::vector of std::vectors of std::strings. Columns numbered, and defined based on vector size. Read only.
52. PYTHON_KNOB,                     // Used as part of python knob implementations. Not for use via NDK.
53. METADATA_KNOB,                   // No storage. Presented as a read only list of metadata found on input 0.
54. PIXELASPECT_KNOB,                // Stores a double. Presented as a numeric entry box and associated slider. Proxy scales.
55. CP_KNOB,                         // Obselete; represents roto curve's control points
56. TOOLBAR_KNOB,                    // Presents toolbars around the edge of the viewer, containing the wrapped controls. Only suitable for use with a subset of knobs. No data storage.
57. TABGROUP_KNOB,                   // Presents tabs within the current page, wrapping the contained knobs. No data storage.
58. PLUGIN_PYTHON_KNOB,              // A user-created knob, with user-provided python bindings.
59. EXOGROUP_KNOB,                   // Presents wrapped controls on all tabs of the node. No data storage.
60. MENU_KNOB,                       // Presents a button which opens a python defined menu. No data storage.
61. PASSWORD_KNOB,                   // A STRING_KNOB which presents a bullet character for any character entered.
62. TOOLBOX_KNOB,                    // WIP, not for use.
63. TABLE_KNOB,                      // Manages internal storage, and manipulated via TableKnobI.h functions. Presented as defined columns and numbered rows of sub-knobs, allowing for read only and editable params.
64. GEOSELECT_KNOB,                  // Not for direct use. Implemented on all GeoOp parented ops.
65. INPUTONLY_CHANNEL_MASK_KNOB,     // A CHANNELSET_KNOB, which presents channels available on defined input only.
66. INPUTONLY_CHANNEL_KNOB,          // A CHANNEL_KNOB, which presents channels available on defined inputs only.
68. CASCADING_ENUMERATION_KNOB,      // An ENUMERATION_KNOB adding cascading menus.
69. DYNAMIC_BITMASK_KNOB,            // Stores an unsigned int, and takes a std::map relating ints to strings (ie int to label). Presented as a multi select pop up menu.
70. META_KEY_FRAME_KNOB,             // Manages internal storage. Presented as series of numerical entry boxes and buttons. Used to manage keyframes where handled separately.
71. POSITIONVECTOR_KNOB,             // Stores 6 floats. Presented as 6 numerical entry boxes and a moveable 3d viewer arrow.
72. CACHED_FILE_KNOB,                // A FILE_KNOB which allows localization of data to local drives.
73. TRANSFORM_JACK_KNOB,             // WIP, not for use.
74. RIPPLE_KNOB,                     // Manages internal storage and manipulated via RippleKnobI.h functions. Presents controls allowing definition of a frame range.
75. SCENE_VIEW_KNOB,                 // Allows display of hierarchical scene data
76. VSPACER_KNOB,                    // As SPACER_KNOB, but vertical instead of horizontal.
77. CANCELEXECUTION_KNOB,            // Simulates a "Cancel" press on the progress dialog. knob_changed() is not called on this knob.
78. SIMPLE_ARRAY_KNOB,               // Raw array knob
79. RESIZABLE_ARRAY_KNOB,            // Array knob containing resizable storage
80. DISABLE_KNOB,                    // Knob managing special logic for disabling nodes
81. ICON_KNOB,                       // Non-interactive icon
82. FRAME_EXTENT_KNOB,               // A knob providing Ops/Nodes with the ability to have a frame range rendered in the dopesheet
83. RADIO_KNOB,                      // Radio knob, only 1 option can be selected at a time
84. FREETYPE_KNOB,                   // Allows preview of the installed freetype font
86. COLORSPACE_KNOB,                 // Handles Colorspace and Role Transform selection
87. PARTICLE_CHANNELS_KNOB,          // Allows the selection of particle channels
88. SCENE_GRAPH_KNOB,                // Improved display of hierarchical scene data
89. PATH_EXPRESSION_KNOB,            // For entering scene graph path matching expressions
90. PATH_KNOB,                       // For entering scene graph paths
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