Anamorphic - Guillermo Algora - Visual Effects Compositor

Guillermo Algora
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Anamorphic lenses are a special type of lens used to achieve a widescreen aspect ratio while maximising image quality. These lenses squeeze the image horizontally onto the camera's sensor/film plane, allowing to capture a wider field of view while using the entire height of the frame. As a result of the squeeze, the image appears elongated along the horizontal axis. This distinctive optical effect is called "anamorphic" distortion, often used creatively because of its visually appeasing properties, and by capturing a much wider scene compared to a standard lens, offers a more immersive viewing experience.
Table of Contents:
1. Format
2. Visual Properties:
2.1 Depth of field:
2.1.1 Bokeh.
2.1.2 Focus Breathing.
2.2 Lens Sharpness.
2.3 Chromatic aberration.
2.4 Flares.
2.5 Vignette.
2.6 Lens Distortion.
2.7 Grain.
1. Format:

Anamorphic format is all about capturing a wider image on film or digital sensors without actually changing the sensor size itself. These specialised lenses have an extra element inside them that essentially squeezes the image horizontally as it's captured on the film or sensor. Imagine a wide scene you want to capture. A standard lens would cut off some of the sides to fit it on the frame. An anamorphic lens squeezes it all in, like a panoramic photo, but keeps the vertical height the same. During projection or post-processing for digital cameras, the image is then stretched back out horizontally to its natural wide aspect ratio, typically around 2.39:1 (often called 2.4:1). This creates that expansive cinematic view. It's the industry standard for theatrical releases.


There can be some variation in squeeze factors, but here are the most common types of anamorphic formats based on their squeeze factor:

2x squeeze: This is the classic anamorphic format, originally designed for 35mm film. It squeezes the image horizontally by a factor of 2 and achieves the 2.39:1 aspect ratio when projected or de-squeezed in post-production.

1.33x squeeze: This squeeze factor is becoming increasingly popular, especially for digital cameras with wider sensors than traditional 35mm film. It creates a more moderate wide-screen look compared to the 2x squeeze, sometimes referred to as "mild anamorphic" and often achieving an aspect ratio around 1.85:1.

Other squeeze factors: Less common are even wider squeeze factors like 1.55x, which can create a very expansive look but might require additional cropping in post to achieve a usable aspect ratio.

This footage is then unsqueezed during post-production to achieve a widescreen aspect ratio. The result is that anamorphic footage often has non-square pixels, meaning the Pixel Aspect Ratio (PAR) is not 1:1.

Set the Correct PAR: Determine the PAR of your anamorphic footage. This is usually specified by the camera or lens documentation. In the Read node, set the Pixel Aspect Ratio to match the PAR of your footage. For example, if your footage has a PAR of 2:1, set the Pixel Aspect Ratio to 2.
2. Visual Properties:

2.1 Depth of Field:

  • Shallower DOF: Anamorphic lenses tend to have a shallower depth of field compared to regular lenses at the same aperture. This means a smaller area will be in sharp focus, while the background and foreground blur more dramatically. The shallow DOF of anamorphic lenses isn't always a drastic difference. Aperture still plays a major role, and a wide aperture on a regular lens can achieve similar blur.

  • Anamorphic lenses often produce a distinctive look with a shallower depth of field, meaning some parts of the image are sharply focused while others are blurred. This creates a more dreamlike or dramatic effect.

  • Uneven DOF: Due to their design, anamorphic lenses can have a slightly different depth of field depending on whether you're focusing horizontally or vertically. The horizontal field of view is wider, so the DOF might be shallower there compared to the vertical axis.


    • Oval Bokeh: The most distinct characteristic of anamorphic bokeh is its shape. Instead of circular blur points like regular lenses, anamorphic lenses create oval or elliptical bokeh shapes, especially for out-of-focus highlights.

    • Smooth and Pleasing:  Anamorphic bokeh is often described as smoother and more aesthetically pleasing compared to regular lenses. This contributes to the distinctive "cinematic" look associated with anamorphic footage. Regular lenses create bokeh with a harsher transition between the in-focus area and the blurred background. Anamorphic lenses, due to their design, create a smoother gradient between the two. Imagine a circle (regular bokeh) transitioning abruptly into blur compared to a stretched oval (anamorphic bokeh) with a gentler transition. The oval shape itself is often found more aesthetically pleasing. Circles can appear a bit busy or distracting, whereas the elongated oval tends to blend more seamlessly with the background.

Anamorphic lenses can introduce anisotropic bokeh, where the shape and size of bokeh circles vary depending on their orientation relative to the horizontal and vertical axes of the frame. This anisotropic bokeh contributes to the unique aesthetic of anamorphic cinematography. Bokeh circles in regular footage are generally isotropic, meaning they have a uniform shape and size regardless of their orientation relative to the frame.

  • Bokeh circles may be more densely packed or clustered in certain areas of the frame, particularly towards the edges or corners, due to the optical properties of anamorphic lenses.

Focus Breathing:

  • The wider the aperture, the more obvious the breathing is with anamorphic lenses. Anamorphic breathing is a little different than normal spherical lens breathing where the image appears to change focal length as you rack focus. With anamorphic lenses, the amount of vertical stretching of the bokeh changes as the focus changes, so focus racks become more noticeable. As you rack focus from far to near, for example, the background gets skinnier-looking. Since stopping down the lens reduces the amount of out of focus bokeh shapes, this type of breathing is less obvious when you have more depth of field. If you shoot with an anamorphic lens at f/11, for example, there is less visible vertical stretching in the background as you rack focus. Of course, anamorphic lenses also have some breathing issues like spherical lenses where the focal length appears to change. But that is less distinctive than the vertically stretched bokeh look. It’s common to call the stretching and squashing of the background as you rack focus in anamorphic “breathing” — in fact, I’ve never heard of an alternative term for the artifact.
  • But there's a difference between the background field of view stretching or squishing because of a focus rack and the Bokeh stretching or squishing as a point source defocusses. Otherwise we could equally call an expanding out-of-focus highlight caused by a focus pull in spherical cinematography breathing, even if there was no actual change in the field of view occurring.
  • Im just saying that when most people refer to anamorphic lens breathing, like in the original post, they arent talking about regular spherical lens breathing... if they were, there would be no point in specifically mentioning anamorphic lenses.
  • When you shoot with anamorphic lenses, the effect when you rack focus is as distracting as when a spherical lens breathes badly, enough to make you minimize how often you rack focus during a scene. And the effect is similar to regular breathing in that there is a change to the image during the rack, its just that rather than a slight zoom in and out, its a vertical stretch that comes and goes. The only difference compared to spherical lens breathing is that the effect is minimized the more you stop down because less of the image is out of focus. I brought this up originally because the poster wanted to maximize the effect.
  • Well we might have to disagree that anamorphic breathing is a different thing to spherical breathing. The change in image magnification can be more pronounced in one axis with anamorphic, rather than uniform, but it's the same phenomenon, caused by lens elements shifting position relative to one another.
  • If you look at the posted tests of Lomos and Hawks above, you can see very noticeable horizontal breathing, much more distracting than any sense of vertical stretching caused by the Bokeh. From your description I suspect your experience is mainly with Panavision anamorphics, which breathe mainly in the vertical axis. However that "stretch" (or change in vertical field of view) will occur to the same degree regardless of aperture, the effect is not minimised by stopping down. The Bokeh and the breathing are two seperate things, but in the case of Panavision I can see how the vertically expanding individual elements of the Bokeh might seem part of the same effect, and draw more attention to the breathing. Stopping down a spherical lens also makes a focus pull less obvious, since there is less change in the Bokeh, but that's also unrelated to breathing.
  • Dom, I think you're technically correct and that I am conflating two separate issues which is the amount of distortion (breathing) that happens with anamorphic lenses to the background when you focus from far to near (the fact that anamorphic lenses start to compress more than 2X in the out of focus areas) and how visible that change is due to depth of field. The distortion doesn't change with f-stop but your eye notices it more when the image is very shallow in focus because of the way that the background is reduced to abstract shapes. So basically not what the other says.
2.2 Lens Sharpness:

Generally less sharp than their spherical counterparts. Reasons for this:
  • More glass elements: Anamorphic lenses use additional internal elements to achieve the wider horizontal field of view. These extra elements can introduce aberrations that reduce sharpness.
  • Wider field of view: Ultra-wide angles inherent in anamorphic lenses are inherently more challenging to design for perfect sharpness across the entire frame.
2.3 Chromatic Aberration:

Potential for increased chromatic aberration: The design of anamorphic lenses, which stretch the image horizontally, can inherently introduce more chromatic aberration compared to spherical lenses used in regular lenses.
2.4 Lens Flare:

The key difference in lens flare between anamorphic and regular (spherical) lenses comes down to the shape they produce. Anamorphic lenses produce unique lens flares characterized by horizontal streaks or lines that align along the width of the frame. These streaks are a result of the cylindrical lens elements in anamorphic lenses and contribute to the cinematic look of anamorphic footage.
Elliptical or oval shaped

Additionally, anamorphic lenses tend to produce horizontal lens flares that streak across the frame, adding to their cinematic appeal.

The elliptical flares were probably from an anamorphic lens. These lenses squash the image horizontally in order to get a widescreen picture on a standard width film strip. The anamorphic elements are usually on the front of the lens so the lens barrel appears elliptical to the camera.
2.5 Vignette:

May appear as an oval, although this unique shape can be emulated in post-production.
2.6 Lens Distortion:

  • Distortion Characteristics: Anamorphic lenses introduce specific types of distortion, notably "mumps" and "squeeze." Mumps distortion refers to a slight bulging or swelling of the center of the frame, particularly noticeable in close-up shots or when using wide-angle anamorphic lenses. Squeeze distortion occurs as a result of the horizontal compression and can affect the geometry of objects in the frame, particularly towards the edges.
  • Barrel Distortion: While anamorphic lenses are designed to minimize barrel distortion (where straight lines appear curved outward), they may still exhibit some degree of barrel distortion, especially towards the edges of the frame. However, this distortion is usually less pronounced compared to spherical lenses.
2.7 Grain:

  • Grain is also stretched.
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